Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Should Be Going To Bed....

So, I went to my first OKC Roller Derby bout tonight. It was AMAZING!!! I had such a blast. The crowd was great and you can only hold off on joining in on the rowdiness for so long. It was the season opener for Tornado Alley Roller Girl. One of my co-workers is a part of the team and I had talked about trying out for a bit, and after watching the bout tonight, I am convinced even more that I would love to be a part of that. Even if I come home with a bloody lip or a bruised leg, the strength that these women have is unbelievable. I want to be a bit fearless too.

They had an auction to benefit SHOUT! of OKC. Twelve of the skaters had casts made of their breasts and they were auctioned off. The money raised from the auction alone was over $3,000.

Today was the due date for my first week of my second quarter for school. If course, I waited until the last minute to complete my school work, but at least I got 100% on my first test. Woo Hoo!!

On a more random note, I recently joined a forum called under the name FormerFloridian. In recent discussions, the topic of age came up. I realized that a lot of people were making comments like, "Enjoy your 20's. I wish I could have."  or "Don't be in such a hurry to get married and have kids". This bothered me somewhat because people don't understand what other people's motivations are. I am not in a hurry to get married or have kids. I simply find myself wanting to share my life with someone.

After more than 6 years of living on my own, I find myself back in my parent's house. Not exactly where I want to be, but until I get my own apartment, this will do. Because I am living here, the people that mostly surround me are either way older or younger than me. It is very hard to find common ground with someone who has come and gone already or will not be there for a while. And while I am in no hurry to get married, I can't help but think of motherhood and different things I would do with my non-existent children. I want to be a very involved parent. I want to be able to relate to my children. I don't want to be in my mid-30's when I have my first child. That would make me 56 by the time my he/she turned 21.

And for frivolous reasons, I want to be young enough to enjoy making a pirate room complete with a pirate ship bed for my first boy. Arrrgh!

'Till Next Time


Anonymous said...

Roller Derby is super hot!!! Just saying...

The Endless Procrastinator said...

I agree. Hopefully when I get into better shape and add more hours to my day, I will start practicing with them.